Greyhound RFC

Combine Services Game

The charity game is played for the Steve Tobin, Paul McAleese memorial cup.
This event was founded by Chris Holmes, Alan BraithwIte and Dean Guidera and this will be the third year hosting this at our club. The first game played was played against the London Irish team.

The aim is to raise money for serving and non serving members of the armed forces and their families.

Money raised will also go to the Jock Lewes foundation. Jock Lewes was a founder member of the SAS and was killed in 1941 when his jeep was strafed by German fire. Jack was never returned and remains buried in the desert in Egypt.

Anyone interested in playing in this charity event please get in contact with greyhound rfc on
07884 883350.

Also if you would like to support the charity on the day come down and join us….

NJS Safety
Real Birth Company
Play Planet
BeneFIT Training
Knight International Services
Agri Management Solutions
General Dogsbody
Edwards Plaice
ABA Cleaners
CM Landscapes
The DM Lab
The Wobbly Brewing Co
Mamma Jammas